Client Love

Vanessa Nixon

Traditional Naturopath

Empowered & Authentic 

Dr. JuJu's Hypno-Healing helped me dismantle the beliefs holding back my career and personal life, guiding me towards a future filled with authenticity and growth. Her profound insights have transformed my life, making this experience truly transformative.

Jacqui Harwood

Craniosacral Therapist

Profound Transformation

In just three sessions, Dr. JuJu Love helped me achieve remarkable personal and professional breakthroughs, profoundly healing long-standing emotional and relational issues. Her approach is simple yet deeply effective... truly life-changing.

Navin Jetha

Holistic Health Coach, End Back Pain Fast!

Finding Purpose & Inner Peace

Dr. JuJu Love has been instrumental in helping me discover my life’s purpose and find inner peace. Through her intuitive guidance, I connected with my inner self and released blocked emotions, allowing my energy to flow freely. She helped me reclaim energy left behind when I moved to Canada, easing my anxiety and making me feel truly at home. Her patience, professionalism, and ability to guide me through this journey left me feeling more centered, energized, and aligned with my purpose. I highly recommend her for anyone seeking healing and clarity.

Rhonda Freed

Storytelling/Public Speaking Coach

Unburdened at Last!  

In my sessions with Dr. JuJu Love, I felt decades of emotional weight lift off my shoulders, as we uncovered and addressed deep-seated issues through transformative dialogue and body modalities. This powerful experience reconnected me with my heart and feelings, leaving me profoundly free and deeply grateful.

Marte Rogers

Mom & Yogi, reinvented as a Flight Attendant

Unlocking the Past, Embracing the Present

Marte praises Dr. JuJu Love's hypnotherapy for providing a comfortable and enlightening experience, revealing significant past life experiences that deeply resonated with present challenges. She wholeheartedly recommends these sessions to anyone seeking profound self-exploration and improved self-understanding

Debi McDermott


Healed and Harmonized: My Victory Over Chemo Menopause

Thanks to Dr. JuJu’s skilled acupuncture and energy work, I overcame the debilitating effects of chemo-induced menopause. Her treatments not only restored my menstrual health but also rejuvenated my overall well-being, marking a new chapter of vitality and balance in my life.

Keshia Tate

Naturopathic Doctor

Rediscovering Inner Joy 

Keshia Tate experienced profound emotional renewal during her "Pure Joy Session" with Dr. JuJu, reconnecting with the pure, inherent joy of her childhood in a transformative way. This session offered her a deep sense of inner peace and happiness, a stark contrast to her previous struggles in identifying personal joy. Keshia's encounter highlights the powerful potential of joy therapy to tap into deeply embedded emotional states that offer profound well-being without the need for external stimuli.

Lily Kandaris

Massage Therapist, Healer

I really enjoyed my sessions in hypno-healing with Dr. JuJu Love. I'm an empath and find it hard to express myself when I disagree with people so I usually say nothing or allude to others thinking I'm in agreement with them. I wanted to delve deeper within myself in order to live more authentically. The sessions are quite relaxing. Dr. JuJu is very talented and I feel very comfortable with her as she takes you through the session and I found it amazing how clear you can see yourself and feel very relaxed throughout the entire process. I trust Dr. JuJu and the process and felt very safe during the sessions. I feel that I'm more empowered now to speak my truth in uncomfortable situations. For instance, I've been dealing with my siblings and felt caught in the middle of their disagreements but now I am able to speak up for myself which feels very liberating and yet rooted in my truth. I highly recommend working with Dr. JuJu Love and I'm very grateful to have had the opportunity for healing with her


Transforming Life with Healing

Chris enthusiastically endorses Dr. JuJu, describing transformative experiences through six weeks of acupuncture and energy healing that have helped him integrate personal challenges into his life. He praises Dr. JuJu’s deep knowledge and caring approach, which have fostered powerful revelations and improved well-being both in and outside her clinic. Overall, Chris highly recommends her, rating the experience a perfect five out of five.

Daniela Borgialli

Reiki Practitioner, Teacher, Movement Coach

I am happy to recommend Dr. JuJu love. She is a gifted insightful Dr. with tremendous integrity. She continues to expand and grow her abilities to help people and I recently received several past life regression therapy sessions with her. She held space and guided me. These sessions helped me to see how certain patterns today in this lifetime probably began in previous lifetimes. The sessions helped me to make peace with certain questions I had around messaging and beliefs around money, identity, and death. Thank you for being a part of my healing journey.

Phoenix Wren

Novelist, Blogger

Dr. JuJu worked with me to move and release some old emotional trauma energy I still had in my system. We worked together with the energy to allow it to flow instead of staying stuck. Now I feel lighter about the things that were triggering me as the stuck energy exited my system. If you've got old feelings and patterns that can still be set off by certain people or circumstances, give a session with Dr. JuJu a try! She was super kind and empathetic.

Maria Prusakowski


Mental Spa for Productivity: From Procrastination to Clarity

Dr. JuJu's sessions are like a mental spa, profoundly calming and transformative. Thanks to her, I've shifted from procrastination to focused productivity, experiencing newfound clarity and energy. Highly recommended for those seeking tangible results and renewed motivation.

Penny Kanter

Project Director, Entrepreneur

Transformative Guidance: From Fragmented to Whole

Dr. JuJu Love is the true guiding north star I’ve needed in my healing journey. What a blessing it has been for me to be nurtured by such an intuitive healer and teacher. I recommend Dr. JuJu Love to anyone who aspires to be whole and grow into complete beings we were meant to be.

Caitlin Leigh

Healer, Writer

Having a session with Dr Ju Ju Love is truly life changing and filled with love and grace. I went in experiencing feelings of shame and low self worth, and had such beautiful revelations during the session. She guided me deeply within and helped shift this energy of shame into joy and reverence. Thank you for your love, guidance, and support- it is a divine gift. ⭐️✨✨🕊🙃

Rebecca Mason


I feel much more forgiving to myself, and more complete, like I am just me. I think I am coming into my own self in a way. I am beginning to love myself more and more – this work has been so beautiful and I am truly understanding life in a more non-dualistic way.

John Mirrione

Owner/Founder of Martial Arts school Harmony By Karate

Dr. JuJu Love is best holistic coach in NYC! She deeply listens and connects in a powerful and profound way. This guides me to heal and empower myself. I have learned to eat healthier and truly understand the power of food and my relationship with it. Also, the power of words in what I say and think at all times. This deeper understanding helps me manifest more love in all my relationships!

Sandy Freschi

Human Design Coach

Dr. JuJu helped me to clear energy and stress that has been stuck in my body for almost 30 years. I feel lighter and more peaceful than I've felt in a very long time. Before the session I was struggling with feeling powerless about a difficult circumstance in my life. I now feel confident that I can face it with a calm, open heart. Thank you Dr. JuJu!

Sandy O’Neal

I have been working with Dr. JuJu since last year on balancing my hormones. She took a thorough intake to get to the root of my issues and always listens to my concerns during each visit. I feel so blessed to have her taking care of my health. I am grateful for her knowledge and for helping me live as the best version of myself.

Mustafa Tahoun

Dr. JuJu Love has been truly amazing helping me with my back/shoulder/neck pain. I began cupping therapy about a year ago and instantly noticed pain relief. Not only did she help with my aches, but she also took the time to check my blood pressure, temperature, and also just ask about my personal life to make sure I was in a good place. I turned my one-time visit into a monthly recurrence. She really went above and beyond to help me treating me as a patient she cares about, opposed to just a number. I would recommended her to anyone with similar symptoms. She really is the best.

Dr. Bob Waters

Geneticist, Researcher

In a polarized medical society exhibited in this country, it is refreshing to have a “healer” like Dr. JuJu Love who has an intelligent balance between the extremes. Her expertise in current Natural Medicine is enhanced by the understanding of the true “Holistic” approach that increases the probability of healing by anyone who allows such multimodal approach to occur. Dr. JuJu’s approach is not new because historically, for centuries, many societies have embraced these novel and effective treatments to allow the body to heal itself. It is refreshing to see this dynamic and effective approach revitalized through Dr. JuJu Love.

Linda Machado

Flamenco Dancer, Ms. Rhode Island Sr. 2014

Dr. JuJu is a doctor fully committed to her patients’ total well being. She knows how to quickly assess the root of problems and prescribes and treats appropriately, taking into consideration the whole patient as a unique individual. I am someone who fights change, and her patience and understanding is exceptional! She is the perfect guide for anyone who wants to move past one-size-fits-all generalized medical care and transform into the happy, healthy person we were all meant to be. With Dr. JuJu, it truly is her love for others that puts her a cut above many others in the healthcare profession.

Rachel Krause

Wellness Revolution: Embracing Life

Thanks to Dr. JuJu, I've undergone a life-altering transformation. In just six months, I've shed 50 pounds, cut down on medications, and enhanced my emotional well-being, leading to improved relationships and better sleep. Her healing support has been nothing short of miraculous.

Patrick Brouillette

Dr. JuJu has an impressive facility for discovering meaningful connections between her patients' physical, emotional, spiritual, and even environmental well-being. She is a caring, patient guide. If happiness as well as health is your goal, Dr. JuJu will employ the most appropriate and effective treatments and your active participation to arrive there.

Caroline Gaddy

Professional Chef, Life Coach

Dr. JuJu is wise, patient and highly intuitive. My session with her provided insight and emotions awareness, and I'm ready to move forward employing this new perspective.

Benjamin Bromberg

Dr. JuJu Love is an amazing practitioner of many healing practices. I have had the pleasure of receiving Reiki, BodyTalk, Acupuncture, Cupping. I had fatigue from my strenuous regiment of training for triathlons. After my last session my physical fatigue was greatly diminished. I also felt more clear on my intentions and direction of personal and professional aspirations after my BodyTalk and reiki session. Dr. JuJu is an amazing healer. She listens and is compassionate about your current situations and quickly identified my mental and emotional blockages and helped me to work through them in just a few sessions. Dr. JuJu is truly gifted and I would recommend her to anyone who is seeking holistic healing for physical, emotional, and spiritual issues.

Suzanne Randle Darby

Naturopathic Doctor, Singer

Healing Beyond Expectation

I came to Dr. JuJu Love after a car accident, feeling emotionally and physically drained. She used crystals and intuitive techniques that left me feeling 100% better—something I never expected! Each session afterward was different, but always exactly what I needed. Her expertise and intuition are unmatched. I highly recommend her and the team at Sarang Natural Medicine

Colleen Brown

Veterinary Acupuncturist

Wow, absolutely amazing experience with Dr. JuJu. Tonight was my first ever acupuncture during the acupuncture happy hour and I cant wait to go back. The experience was so much more than a brief acupuncture treatment. Dr. JuJu is very intuitive and knew exactly how to help me with her healing gifts and energy work. It was so much more than I had anticipated. Highly recommended in every way! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Crystal Perez

I had the most amazing experience with Dr. JuJu Love yesterday. She is kind, compassionate, professional, knowledgeable, and a truly gifted healer. She unblocked issues that I didn’t even realize were affecting me. I felt like a truck was lifted from my shoulders. It was a life changing experience. This is honestly the best gift I have ever given myself.

Diane Bradshaw

My acupuncture sessions with Dr. JuJu Love were helpful, supportive and healing. I came to her with several problems all of which she was able to resolve. She is very compassionate, kind, caring and knowledgeable. If you’re looking for a natural process to healing, I highly recommend acupuncture and the expertise of Dr. JuJu.

Denise Henry

Dr. JuJu helped me through an extremely difficult time with some very debilitating symptoms. She spent far more time with me than any other physician and she sought to find the root of the problem. By listening to the body, she uncovered some hidden triggers and surprising truths. I cannot recommend Dr. JuJu highly enough.

Lena Dieter

Love her. Just being in her presence is healing and calming in itself. She is truly a gifted healer and has the learned protocol of Naturopathic Physician to combine with her intuition that helps facilitate healing in your body. I felt so much better after one session. Lighter and my neck pain was gone and I was smiling, an inner smile.

Jennifer Midcalf

Dr. JuJu is truly one of a kind! I had the most incredible healing experience during an acupuncture/energy work treatment with her. I love how connected she is with her patients and I look forward to coming back! Dr. JuJu radiates love and compassion. I HIGHLY recommend her.

Tom Speaks

Dr. JuJu is truly an Angel sent to help us. She is a knowledgeable expert in natural medicine. I've been to her a few times and she always listens and then makes you better! I also know many people who have been treated by her and they all love her. I recommend her to anyone

George Munger

With your innate ability to heal and your ever growing knowledge base, you provide an essential service to all that pass through your portals.

Jef Gazley

A great, innovative, and caring physician who is always searching for cutting edge techniques such as NET.

Judy Coors

I LOVE acupuncture happy hour. It’s easy to fit into my schedule and I always leave feeling refreshed and revitalized!

Anita M.

I have very much enjoyed my time at AHH. Dr. JuJu has such a wonderful spirit about her. I always gain new insight and inspiration.

Dee P.

Dr. JuJu is highly empathetic and intuitive. She takes time to get to know her patient. She helped me resolve some very difficult issues. I look forward to seeing her again in the future.

Jeanine S.

What an amazing doctor. She is an inspiration and always give guidance that is right for me. Highly recommend.

Rose C. G.

After having a dip in my health, I sought out an ND. I feel lucky to have found Dr. JuJu. She identified my physical problem and now I am back on track. Her acupuncture is fantastic, but what I liked even more was her care, and her highly developed mind/body skills.

Angie B.

I LOVE visiting her Happy Hour Friday sessions, or also known as, Acupuncture Happy Hour. It's a fun, peaceful and community like atmosphere. If you go regularly, you'll start to recognize some familiar faces and get to chatting.

She is so caring, compassionate and sets you at ease. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND visiting her. She also can see you privately, and really benefit with a tailor-made treatment just for you. 10/10! :)

Lien S.

Came to see Dr. JuJu, happy hour 4-6 on Friday. Best thing I've done since my move here to Gilbert. I injured myself back in 2007 at my place of employment. I've done a year of physical therapy, cortisone shots, and prescribed pain killers. Nothing worked so I tried acupuncture before my move back in 2014 and the pain was no longer affecting my daily routines up until now, I could no longer stand the pain anymore so I checked Yelp and went to see Dr. JuJu and I left with no more pain. I believe that I've been long overdue for some kind of treatment. The pain and stress was gone and I felt like a brand new person when I left her office. I highly recommend her.

Doreen Sweeting

Dr. JuJu has such amazing energy. As a teacher, she's clear, concise, and thorough, but also makes the learning process really fun. I could feel her healing energy throughout our time together. She provides an important service that’s easy to access, and I highly recommend her.

Christine Gutierrez

Dr. JuJu is a warm, loving, and open person. She has such a pure heart and is truly one of a kind. Honest and passionate, she puts you at ease and helps guide you toward your dreams with grace and knowledge. She's a must-see!

Joshua Jacobs

Dr. JuJu is a sincere Master of Reiki and Harmony healing energy. She’s incredibly intuitive and creative, offering real opportunities for healing and transformation. Her work is life-changing, and I highly recommend the experience.

Bretigne Shaffer

I had two healing sessions with Dr. JuJu, and both times I left feeling incredibly relaxed and positive. She's truly an expert, and her work leaves a lasting impact

Chris Bazzle

Through Harmonic Flow, BodyTalk, and Sound Healing techniques, Dr. JuJu helped me resolve inner conflicts, gain mental clarity, and provided valuable intuitive insights for personal growth. Her approach is both creative and expert, and I can’t recommend her enough!

Chris A.

Dr. JuJu is a wonderful woman who knows how to help you feel good and relax. She is compassionate, fun, and knowledgeable.

Bruce Barth

Jazz Pianist, Composer, Producer

I wanted to thank you for today’s session. I feel that you helped me to relax, and take things a little more in perspective; and I really enjoyed the Yoga and breathing. I plan to make them a part of my daily life.


Everytime I read your thoughts and suggestions, I'm immersed with serenity, love and grounded, as if you are right in front of me and I am recieving it directly from you. Thank you.


Dr. JuJu Love has opened some parts of my inner self that only a truly talented healer and part mystic could accomplish. She works ever so gently around ones heart chakra. Her work with ones inner dimensions are phenomenal. If you have an opportunity to work with her, you surely should.

Kevin McGuigan

I remember how uncomfortable I felt the first time I came to you, thinking you might notice the putrid air I felt surrounded by. It was a beautiful day, but I couldn’t escape my thoughts of suicide. I just wanted a break from the negativity and hatred.

I wasn’t on drugs, but demons were manifesting in my world, and sleep was becoming a luxury. You asked if I was comfortable, and I laughed at the foreign concept. Then you asked why I was there, and I said, "Because I’m a mess." You smiled and calmly said, "You are not a mess; You are a seeker."

You woke me at the end of the session—the first time I’d slept in two weeks. I only saw you once more, but your words of wisdom and love helped me break through the illusions that imprison us. On my journey, I sought teachers and found friends willing to help, and you, Dr. JuJu, are such a friend.

Tom Capshew

Author of "Divine Warrior Training"

I am sure I can not adequately put into words the healing session I received from Dr. JuJu, and I will try. The session seemed to move beyond time and place as Dr. JuJu sat beside the table gently and respectfully engaging my energetic field. Her healing presence was subtle and powerful, and my breath felt connected to source, not me breathing, but source breathing me. At the conclusion of our session, Dr. JuJu quietly brought me out of my meditative state and I felt deeply rejuvenated and loved. Thank you, Dr. JuJu, for the gift you are sharing with the world!



I love the piece. It's wonderful. It's the first piece of art I ever bought which uplifts my soul. I read in Creative Healing by Samuels and Lane about people making art for other people that brings healing but I had never experienced it so powerfully as with the piece you made for me. It renews my desire to become an artist healer.

Yesterday's session was beautiful! You changed the way my energy feels, and you gave me a feeling of serenity that is so comforting. Thank you.

Peter Goldbeck


As a healer who has worked with thousands of World Trade Center victims since 9/11, I often ask, "Who heals the healer?" The answer is Dr. JuJu Love. Her blend of love, compassion, and AMAZING intuitive abilities allows her to tune in precisely to each individual's needs. Both physical pain and emotional stress melted away during my sessions with her.

To say she can rewire a person is an understatement. After each session, I felt centered, balanced, and rejuvenated, with a noticeable boost in my energy and healing abilities. She has the unique ability to weed out static frequencies and integrate the useful ones, leaving me clearer and stronger.

Whether you're a healing practitioner or someone with special needs, you owe it to yourself to experience the transformative healing of Dr. JuJu Love.


I’m one of the most rational and analytical people I know, so I was skeptical about energy healing. But due to my severe emotional and psychological condition, I was willing to try anything. My childhood traumas were catching up with me, leaving me feeling like a zombie with no energy and serious trust issues.

After seeing Dr. JuJu, I became a different person. With her sensitivity to feelings, she was able to diagnose my problems and reconfigure my mind and soul, stripping away the vicious cycles that haunted me. I left feeling like I was using my eyes and senses for the first time and could finally trust others. Thank you, Dr. JuJu, for changing my fate for the better.

Dave Rozner

Dr. JuJu has greatly helped me overcome debilitating anxiety and substance abuse. After just my second session, I felt a tingling energy flow through my body, transforming excruciating pain and emotional stress into comfort and calm. My body began to heal itself!

With Harmonic Flow, I experienced a state like transcendental meditation, where I felt connected with the universe beyond my basic senses. It sometimes felt like traveling beyond time and space, leaving me grounded and balanced afterward, with a sense of angelical consciousness that could last for days.

Though life brings rough waters, Dr. JuJu’s wisdom, love, and compassion have been a powerful influence and catalyst in helping me reconnect my body, mind, and spirit.

Katherine Romano

I had the opportunity to have three healing sessions with Dr. JuJu. In my progression toward health, she has helped me change deep habits and find relief from problems both structural and emotional. She also awakened my ability to sense the chakras which I think will help me correct imbalances on my own. Dr. JuJu has a gift for intuitive healing that I've never encountered before as her method is practically invisible yet dynamic.

Greg A

I learned of Dr. JuJu and her wonderful healing through a longtime friend who spoke highly of her. I approached my first session with a mixture of curiosity and excitement and was relived when she put me at ease instantly. When the body healing began I immediately felt a change in my vibe. That's the easiest way I can describe it – it's like a makeover for your vibe. I tried to remain awake during the sessions, but sometimes I went to sleep! After you leave Dr. JuJu, you feel very relaxed and centered, like a great mediation. Dr. JuJu is clearly gifted and anyone seeking some warmth and a vibe tune-up should visit her.

Dara S

Dr. JuJu has a musical and artistic way of working that sings and paints over your body, heart, mind, and spirit. Her touch is as soft as the breeze and as powerful as the tides. Allow yourself to be in grateful wonder of the universe and your own being as you experience harmony with Dr. JuJu Love.

Contact Dr. JuJu


This website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical, psychiatric, or other licensed care.

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